It seems to us that does a pretty nice job of setting you up for live video sex chats – but it could do better. Our review of Cams will show how hard it was to find hot babes on, a site that just does not attract the hottest models out there. For sure you will find some nice babes if you look hard enough, but we are interested in quality and accessibility. Also, only offers two premium membership packages, neither of which were packed with many exciting credit options. They offer the Regular Joe package, with a discounted rate-per-minute for the first 10 models you video with. Cams also offers a Joe Pro package, which just offers the same rate-per-minute package for the first 30 models you video chat with each month. Adding some flair to these premium packages would go a long way. We recommend the Joe Pro package for now, because that is how you will meet the most babes.
We also recommend that have a free section, just in the interest of getting more people to look over the site and then sign up. It’s always a bummer to have to pay before you can even start to search, and even to sign up costs money at We think a trial period would be really helpful, given that they don’t offer great premium credit packages for video streams anyways. A profile is also required, with far more information being asked than what is required for a live cam site. Why do they need to know where you worked? Do you care where other people on the site worked? It felt like we were giving up our personal information to some blackmail artist who might use it at any time in the future. The best kind of live cam sites are the ones like LiveJasmin that offer incentive based premium memberships that give people a financial reason to spend more time on the site.
Once we got through the signup section, we are then able to peruse around the other members and some of the amateurs. This section was now free to chat with members, but only after we had paid our initial signup fee. The structure of the site was such that you could only search through the other members in a random way. If we had wanted to see affinities with other members it would have cost us more. However, after having dropped a monthly fee for the sign up and an additional amount for the Joe Pro package, we did not feel inclined to pay more. Well, we probably should have, because searching through the free selections was very underwhelming. Not only were there very few attractive women, but it seemed like most of them were not on Cams to have virtual sex or anything BDSM related. From our private message chats with some of these ladies, it appeared that they were using the site to try and find boyfriends. That’s all well and good for a dating site, but not for an online cam site that should be filled with people looking for virtual hook ups and BDSM stuff. markets itself as a live cam site for everyone, and that leads it to being very much watered down by people who should not actually be on the site.
Not only that, we also came across a lot of Cams scams. It’s always the same with these scam sites. The security software is so bad that anyone can get in and make a profile with any information they want, and then go around scamming other members. Considering charges a large monthly fee, these kind of silly problems are just not acceptable.

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Review Of Cams
We paid extra to have access to the premium area of the site, which supposedly was filled with hot models who love to perform on webcam. In reality, Cams let’s pretty much anyone be a model. There were women ranging from 18-64 in the premium sections, but not a nice mix of cultures. It seemed like every single woman was Caucasian. Not only that, but the profile images were pretty dull and uninspiring.
We kept our cool and tried to meet as many models as we could. We spent our $200 pretty quick though, what with all those expenses to begin with. A video chat with a model was more expensive than the average live cam site, which just added to our impression that is more about making money for the owners than about letting people hook up for virtual sex or any kind of satisfaction for that matter. We booked video chats with 48 members, and we are sorry that we had to meet so many. Almost all of them were immature young women with confidence issues. That explains why we only found 6 of them attractive. Most of the women were just on there to make some money. They saw it as a job rather than a passion, and it was so obvious.
We like to think that live cam modelling is very much a skill that one can be proud of. It takes theatrical skill and the development of nuanced body movement to turn a stranger on from a video cam perspective. We’ve seen it all throughout our review experiences, especially on great sites like However, these ladies on did not even think to change out of their normal clothes when they video chatted with us. Even worse, when we tried to instigate some kind of sexual movements (like them taking off their shirts), most of them said that was not in the agreement with, and that they refuse to do so. They honestly thought that men would want to pay to video chat with them and only talk! We could not believe it, but that’s what we were stuck with.
Is Cams Working
The quality of the video feed on was not too bad, but certainly not consistent. At some times it was so laggy and choppy that we had to resort to messaging more than actually talking on the video. That took all the excitement out of it for us, and combined with the disinterest of the female models, very little was actually said on these video chats. So is Cams working? The answer is that is a pretty average live cam site that has some great attributes and some real annoying aspects too. The models are not getting paid to be models, the free memberships are expensive and rarely lead to any exciting action anyways, the paid memberships do not give enough incentive to stay on the site, and the layout of the site is so simple that it feels as though you are using a site that has not changed it’s layout since 2005.